Thursday, October 22, 2009


This isn't really an entry, just a notice that my next blogs will come from MileHiCon in Denver. I fly there tomorrow, as Guest of Honor, and I'm greatly looking forward to it. More from there with -- unless I lose the camera again -- pictures.


Daniel said...

You lost your camera, too? We also lost ours a week or three ago. My wife keeps saying that if we buy a new one we'll find the one we've lost (and will have wasted money on a new camera), so we shouldn't buy a new one. But I'm getting tired of not having one (I have a ten-month-old girl that keeps doing funny things, with no way to record it).

TheOFloinn said...

You'll have fun in Denver. Two of my brothers still live there. If you have the time, take some trips up into the canyons.