Saturday, May 14, 2011

Srange Interview

Two days ago I did the oddest interview of my career. It was live for Independent Television Network, a web-TV site ( The interview is not yet up on the site, but will be soon. I'll post the exact URL when I have it.

Did I say that it was live? That doesn't begin to describe it. The interview was conducted by Gregg Lienweber, host of Multiverse News, in a glass-sided van parked in front of Dick's Hamburgers on Capital Hill. Passers-by could see us, hear us through loudspeakers, and also catch our camera angles on a TV screen mounted in a corner of the van to face outside. People stopped, looked puzzled, mouthed "What the hell?" They made faces through the glass. They listened for a while, before standing in line for their quarter-pounders with pickles. Sun streamed in through the glass, heating up the inside. It was a little like being a zoo animal, one so dangerous that not even bars are permitted on the cage. An asp, maybe, or a tarantula.

But Gregg had clearly read my work and he asked interesting questions. I ended up enjoying the whole thing.


1 comment:

Oz said...

At least it didn't involve riding a horse. But it sounds like it was definitely something out of the usual.