Friday, June 15, 2012

Taos Toolbox -- Days 4 and 5

We have now completed the initial critiques for every author.  I have given five mini-lectures.  Walter has performed his exegesis of CASABLANCA and his index-card re-plotting of a student synopsis, a technique borrowed from Melinda Snodgrass.  It is Friday night, everyone is exhausted by literary aspiration, and there are plans for dinner, drinking, and/or hot tubbing.

But something is missing -- so far this year, no bear.   This is last year's bear, a used bear as it were:
Memorable quotes from the critique sessions:

"I could watch a person getting shot in the head, without having to vomit."

"It's always a mad hermit in the basement, isn't it?"

"All you left for me to critique is the cooking pots."

"This piece is Charles Stross meets a literary novel I never read."

"You have White Dimension Syndrome."

"Find a better disease."

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